Ramblings – On Dreams

Ramblings – On Dreams

Dreams. What a messed up aspect of our lives, right? We close our eyes for the night and our brains process what we’ve experienced during the day and we get to experience that as dreams. And some just make no sense at all!

As fascinating as I find dreams, I actually prefer to NOT dream. Mine are often very strange, messed up, and often give me anxiety, at least during the dream itself if not beyond when I wake. Once in awhile I get lucky – my dreams will take me on an epic adventure, with videogame-esque elements and an intriguing plot. I’m not usually so lucky. Normally I get dreams like I experienced the other night – I can’t recall specific details, but I can remember one moment. My father being absolutely PISSED that I had purchased a $20 hair dryer with my own money, saying things like I was irresponsible, it was foolish of me, how dare I. It left a sour taste in my belly in the dream, but thankfully wasn’t something that followed me when I woke up.

Anger is a common theme in my dreams. Not anger towards me, but rather anger that I feel. And it is a monstrous anger, irrational and petty, quickly ignited but not so quickly soothed. These are among my scariest dreams, because I don’t normally carry anger, I try to let it go. But I spend these dreams screaming, throwing things, breaking things, pushing buttons, and sobbing uncontrollably. Because yes, anger and tears are a package deal for me. I always find these sorts of dreams to actually be kind of frightening – it scares me to think that somewhere within me is apparently the capacity to completely rage.

I also cannot fly in my dreams, a fact that frustrates me even in slumber. The most I can generally manage is a clumsy glide, but that doesn’t stop me from flapping my arms with the best (worst?) of them. Dream guides suggest that this means I have someone or something holding me back in life. Hard to say if that’s true, it has honestly been several years since flight held any role in my dreams. Which is curious, considering how much I love wings and the idea of flying. And also probably why it always frustrated me when I couldn’t.

Locations in dreams are pretty tricky, too. Whenever my dream is at “home”, that home is a strangely distorted version of the home I grew up in. It has the open/circular main floor, my bedroom at the top of the stairs, the half wrap-around deck, the outside concrete stairs to the basement, the garage. But it isn’t actually that home. Small, subtle differences occur – the good room doesn’t exist in the dream version, the basement is far more sinister and easy to get lost in. The concrete stairs are steeper, deeper, dangerous. Sometimes the pool and hot tub exist, sometimes they don’t. The playhouse is often there, but it will look different all the time. And yet every single time, in my dreams, I understand that it is that home Doesn’t matter what changes my mind makes to it. I do wonder, however, when my mind will stop pulling up this house as my “home” when it hasn’t been for quite some time.


Ramblings – All the Curls

Ramblings – All the Curls


Aww yea, curled my hair this morning. Also burned my thumb a little in the process, but hey! what’s beauty without a little pain? OK, so I actually try to actively avoid pain for the sake of beauty. It’s why I don’t wear heels, or skinny jeans or things of that nature. Not comfortable, sometimes painful. If I wear heels too often I end up with a swollen foot, no lie. Happened to me back when I first worked at this job – naïve me figured I needed to wear heels all the time to be “professional” and then ended up spending a week shuffling around the office in thick socks because I couldn’t fit in my shoes!

Super professional, I know, I know. You may all worship my professional abilities.

Done? Yea, thought so.

Hey, here’s a question you don’t need to answer. When browsing blogs or whatever, do you like ones with a “featured image” (this post has one, most of mine don’t) or do you prefer without? I’m just wondering if maybe I should start plunking images in – maybe make a couple for different types of posts. Also, just a quick edit: featured image is HUGE. Have now changed it to just be at the top of the post. yikes.

*sigh* I really need to organize this blog too. Such a mess. I knew it would get like this, but past me was all “Meh, I’ll deal with it when I have to.” And now I’m feeling I probably have to, but also don’t want to. So much other, more exciting stuff to do!

Like working on my stories! Nearly every day on the bus ride to work (and sometimes home, too) I get a few paragraphs jotted down, at least, on my main work. It’s been coming along so wonderfully, except for when it isn’t.  I keep hitting road blocks, for some reason. The latest one was because I tried to shape the story wrong, put the wrong character in, and I was cursing, wondering why I did this to myself, why the character was doing what I had them doing. And then I stopped and realized that **I** was the one doing it, I was the one writing, so dammit, it didn’t need to be that way. So I scrapped… well, a half-assed scene and scribbled a few notes for what it should be like. Then I moved on, because I was way beyond done with that piece right now. It’ll just need to get a little extra TLC once I start typing it up.

Well, ok. I guess that is the end of my ramblings for now.

I hope you have a wonderful morning/day/evening/night. Whatever is most appropriate for you as you read this!


Ramblings: Life Off

Ramblings: Life Off

Sometimes it can feel amazing to just turn life off for a little while, or at least as much as you are able to. Just took a week off work and essentially spent it playing games such as Neverwinter and Baldur’s Gate with my husband – old school and lovin’ it.

I feel relaxed. I feel stress-free. I know that will change as soon as I get to work today, but I’m going to relish these last moments of quiet as much as I can.

Now, that isn’t to say I was completely out of the loop. I still pulled up my twitter and peeked at it, thought I didn’t really engage much at all. Which means that yes, I am aware that there is apparently a plan to storm Area 51 “Naruto-run” style. Hilarious! Husband and I spent a good few minutes looking at some of the golden memes that have arisen from this notion and laughing to ourselves over the ridiculousness of it all. I am particularly fond of the Naruto run bit, to avoid the bullets, of course. Best part.

I spent more time working on my novel and my little short story, as well. I can’t recall if I mentioned here or only on Twitter that I think I’m actually going to self-publish this short story I’ve been working on. It has a beginning, a middle, and I’m working on its ending, so it’s a complete story, not like the snippets that I post here. Once I’ve finished and polished it all up, I will likely be publishing it through Kindle Direct Publishing, unless I become aware of a better platform to put it on.

So that is kind of exciting for me. I will post a short blog post about it when its up, with a link to where it can be purchased and all that fun jazz. I’m pretty sure it will be $0.99, I’ve seen other short stories for that amount.

Well, I guess I don’t really have much more to talk about at the moment, except to tell you that if you can unplug from the world for a few days, you should totally do it! It feels wonderful. Let go of as many responsibilities as you can, even for a short while, just to regain some equilibrium.

Good luck, have fun. I’ll see you all again.

Ramblings – I’m busy, I swear!

Ramblings – I’m busy, I swear!

Goodness it has been a busy week at work. Four day week, and I’ve taken next week off to help lower those stress levels somewhat. I continue to get upset with little things, so it’s time to de-stress as fully as I can!

Which means a week away from work. I was lucky to be able to take it off – lawyers two week trial ending up getting pushed for reasons, so the opportunity just kind of jumped at me! I was originally thinking I wouldn’t be able to take time off until much closer to September, so I’m pretty stoked for next week.

Not completely sure what we will be doing next week. Hanging out, playing video games, watching Stranger Things Season 3 (assuming that lasts more than just tonight and tomorrow, haha).

Just started playing some Detroit: Become Human, thanks to getting it for free through PSPlus. It is very interesting so far – much more of a story than a game, but what a story it is! I feel a strange connection to these poor androids that are on the outskirts of society performing all the mundane tasks. I’m not far in, but it is brilliant.

Anyway, my mood just plummeted and rather than bitch, moan, and complain here I’m just gonna sign off.

Have a great day, y’hear?
