About Me!

I see you have somehow stumbled across my corner of the internet. I’m not sure how, but hi! It’s great to have you here.

I’m Heather, and I think I’m supposed to tell you about myself here. This is the tough part, if I’m being honest. And I do like to try and be honest. Oh! There, that is a something about me. You’re welcome, I’ve done my job.

Ah, wait, I suppose you want more.

Alright, well, I love writing and have been writing in some fashion for basically as long as I can remember. My first story was about a group of 7 kids who discover they have magical powers. I’m not sure what they were going to do with those powers, as I have long since forgotten and only ever wrote the first chapter or so of the story. I handed it in as a project in, ah, I want to say Grade 4 and my teacher was very impressed with my ability to give my characters each a consistent, unique personality. I’m pretty sure I glowed after hearing that.

Since then, I’ve written a multitude of stories and poems, most of which I’ve long since forgotten about. And when I wasn’t actively writing a story, you can bet your cute bottom that I was participating in online forum RP’s, or writing notes to my friends as though I was some fantasy character. Those were weird times, but hey! it all helped me get to where I am today.

And where is that, I hear you asking. Ok, I actually don’t, I’m not telepathic or anything like that, and it would be rather creepy if I was. But if I was, I promise I wouldn’t snoop your thoughts! That shit is private, I get it.

Where was I? Oh, yes, where I am today. Right.

So, today I am a published author. I have one full-length novel, the first in a series, published through Amazon’s KDP program, and a short story through the same service. I continue to work on my series, though the subsequent short stories I had planned have stalled for the time being. I have also commenced a second series that I am currently uploading through Wattpad. So I’ve got enough to keep me busy, I should say.

A few other tidbits, since I can’t just leave you with that:

I love cats, the color pink, and caramel. I am obsessed with wings, and the idea of flight. Not flying in airplanes, or anything like that, though seeing the world from so high up is always amazing and humbling. No, I’m more obsessed with simply the thought of soaring above the world on my own power. If I could grow wings like the main character in my story I think that I would immediately die happy. So perhaps we shouldn’t let that happen, then. I’m sure there is a lot more for me to do before that inevitable.

Let’s see, what else? I like to consider myself compassionate, kind, and creative, and I really hope that I can live up to these delusions of myself. I work in Family Law and I truly love my job and being able to help people. I enjoy playing video games, and my not-so-secret/guilty pleasure is farming games such as Story of Seasons or Stardew Valley. They are my happy place and I will always return to them.

Alright. You know what, I think I’ve rambled about myself more than enough here. If you are interested in my published works, you can check out my Amazon Author Page here