Poetry: Adamantine Finger

Poetry: Adamantine Finger

An oldie, the companion to Crystal Eye. Had to make a few small changes in this one, but I think I’m satisfied.

Testing one.
Testing two.
Testing three.
All systems online.
All applications loaded.

My head turns mechanically
To stare at my creator,
Tracing my aluminum shell
With an adamantine finger.
Finding each tiny flaw
And marking it with a red ‘X’.
My frozen expression tries to wince
But it cannot move

Two small taps on my hard chest.
I can feel a ticking inside my breast.
My internal clock
Ticking the seconds away
Until my expiry date.
When I will no longer be the best
Replaced by a newer self

A tap on each beady eye,
And I can see an array of colors.
Blue, red, green, purple, and beyond
Two more taps, one for each ear,
And I can hear an eternal laughing,
Because all I am is gray.
Never to enjoy the rainbow,
That for a moment brought joy
But now holds only pain.

Tap, tap.
Each arm can move now.
Firmly in one hand,
I can now see a knife.
Faulty programming asserts itself,
I bring it across my opposing limb
And draw forth motor oil.

Staring in shock at my fluids leaking,
I fail to notice two more taps.
It is with surprise, then,
That I notice my legs will walk.
I take two steps forward,
My creator takes two steps back.

I stare in sorrow,
Wondering why.
Trying to understand
Why he will tap me with his finger
But not touch me any other way.
My eyes leak my washer fluid,
As I try vainly to touch
What does not wish to be touched.

He fades away into the darkness,
Fading even from my mind.
Until all I am is a silly machine,
Leaking oil and washer fluid,
Clinging to vague memories
Of a time of love,
A time that never was.


If you enjoy my writing, the best way to support me is to purchase a copy of my debut novel, Fledglings First Flight. You can pick up a copy via the links below. It is also available free to read on Kindle Unlimited.
Please let me know what you think!
FFF Cover Second Design test
Poetry – Anxiety

Poetry – Anxiety

It starts slow
It starts quiet
The heart beats
With quickened steps

Breath shortens

Then it starts
The trembling
The shaking
Fingers forgetting
How to grasp

Bubbling up
From deep within
Are all the thoughts
That keep you down
Reminding you
Of all your faults
Never remembering
All your strength