Rambling – Update Time

Rambling – Update Time

I’ve been silent, but with good reason. I have been focusing my creative energy and time toward working on Wings of Shattered Shards, Book 2. Alas, it still lacks a proper name. What it doesn’t lack, however, is a fully handwritten, completed draft 1!

Yes, that’s right. I got to write “the end” for Book 2. Not the end of the series, of course, there is much more that Amy and her friends must do, but the end of this portion of their saga, at any rate. It is quite exciting, there is nothing quite like it. Except, perhaps, putting “the end” at the end of the final draft!

What does this mean, moving forward? What sort of timeframe are we looking at? Well, I know many of you are probably eager for Book 2. I don’t blame you – I’m eager to find out what all happens in it, too. I’m tentatively hoping that I will be able to complete all the edits and polishing for a publication date next year. Will this absolutely happen? I don’t know. I could have more difficulty than I anticipate, or I could breeze through it like nothing.

Draft 2 is well on its way. I have somewhere around half of it typed up, a good 55k words. I’ve reached a scene that needed a complete rewrite, which I typically do handwritten, so I’ve stalled a little there as I write out the scene again. If I’m diligent, this draft may be finished in a couple of months. I do have some potential upheaval occurring in my life in the near future, however, so that may affect this hope.

I’m really excited about Book 2. There are some exciting things happening in it, some tragic moments, and a few tender ones mixed in. The quest to save the shards continues, and Amy experiences some serious growth within.

Well, I just wanted to provide a bit of an update as to where things were. I will probably continue to focus on Book 2, but I’m going to try and make an effort to start being more active in writing on here.

I hope everyone has a wonderful day, take care, and I hope to see you reading my books one day!